Sunday, February 24, 2008

Perception & Perceptual Maps

Perception is the process by which physical sensations such as sights, sounds and smells are selected, organized and interpreted.

Perceptual Maps are key marketing strategies to figure out where a company or brand stands in terms of different variables to compare to the competitors.

The final step in the process of perception is interpretation. Marketers communicate with the consumers through relationships between their product and the intended attributes or image.

Here is an advertisement that I would not understand if not for my perception of permanent markers as well as my perception of commercials for laundry detergents.

Stimulus Generalization
In society, certain stimuli are conditioned to evoke a response. The color red on the stop sign means danger and to stop. Similarily, the exact same response can be used again for a traffic light. Red means stop because it is a conditioned stimuli for driving and obeying road rules.

In advertising this can be used for certain products with the same features because marketers know how consumers will react and what they ALREADY know. An example of this would be Gillette Fusion Power Phantom with 4 blades hand razor and Schick Quattro Pro Razor.

It's mach power time!

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