Saturday, March 1, 2008

Week 2: Consumer Buying Behavior

Consumer Buying Behavior

The Buying Decision Process

* recognition of the need e.g a new PC
* choice of involvement level (time and effort justified) e.g. two week ends
* identification of alternatives e.g. Dell, PC World
* evaluation of alternatives I.e. price, customer service, software support, printer/scanner package
* decision - choice made e.g Epsom
* action e.g buy Epsom model from Comet
* post-purchase behaviour I.e. use, breakdowns, etc

CBB model

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Here is the CBB model diagram. To tie it into my consumer buying behavior, a recently purchased product I will use in conjunction with the model is Chapstick Original Lip balm:

The Brand

Decision Process

The process and steps taken towards making this purchase is as follows:
The Need Recognition --> I do not enjoy cracked lips
Choice of involvement level --> not much involvement there, just look for it in the drug store and grab and go, the place of purchase is simple to decipher, which is shopper's drug mart. Not much time and effort needed because I have what I want in mind.
Identification of Alternatives --> This one caught my attention: SKYYBLUE vodka lip balm. Too bad it was expensive so the alternatives was pretty much 3 or 4 others like Vaseline Lip therapy, Dermatone and Aveeno.
Purchase and Related Decisions --> The particular item had a 2 pack deal and that definitely made me want to get it even more than the other ones.
Post purchase behavior --> After buying it I use it frequently and am able to remedy dry lips and have moist and soft lips. After awhile the flavor of the lip balm is quite boring.

Summary and Forces
I chose to use all the steps in the CBB model because it is very relevant and true to what steps I went through to result in the purchase of chapstick.
Some of the forces that affected and influenced my behavior would be Psychological forces of perception and motivation. I perceive myself as hygienic and am motivated to maintain optimal biological conditions i.e moist lips. Also Promotional forces especially the 2 pack deal because you get 2 for the price of one it makes you think that you are getting a bonus and entices you to get it rather than the alternatives.

Some other questions is how does location and place affect buying decision?
It affects it greatly. The example of chapstick when I was in shopper's drug mart put me in the mood to look for other body care products like lotion or whitening strips, mouth wash etc.

Also how does new products and new labels affect the buying process?
I believe that I bought the Chapstick because of its new label and packaging if it was its same old classic packaging I would be more likely to look for something else with a more modern look like the SKYYBLUE vodka lip balm.

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